Week of Ministry in Review

Week of Ministry in Review
June 15, 2013
By David Smith Inspired by Gospel Hall Preaching

Christ in you, Hope in Glory
Romans Fifteen, the text for the story
Pleasing God infirmities of the weak
These that are strong a mission to teach
Building up believers in Christ we can see
He pleased not himself and an encouragement he be
We have to do what God saved us for
To strengthen believers
The assembly is in store
We have to endure step forward in trust
Past time for our learning
Faith is so much.

From Egypt to Canaan
A Series of meetings

He grasps the WORD one line at a time
Meditates on scripture as it fits into rhyme
Seeing the BIBLE as a mirror at a glance
To meditate on the WORD to the present NOT by Chance
How it fits is revel lent to today
From Egypt to Canaan much room to pray
To focus on God in this wilderness of mine
And leave temptations of Satan behind
It happened to the Jews to be lost no doubt
From Egypt to Canaan Heavenly lessons came about
What a joy with all its trials
Walking his way there is reason to smile.

Meditating on the Red Sea
(While drinking coffee on Break)

He drinks his coffee black and mediates on the Red Sea
How Moses came across to Canaan, there he be
He drinks his coffee black and thinks of worldly trials
Like the ten plagues in Egypt
What the world or pharaoh did despise
Moses rod turned into a serpent and ate the Pharaoh’s snakes
The serpent was first mentioned where the Garden was at stake
God turned dust to lice, and what did it imply?
The magicians could not match it, last night we found out why.
God created man from the dust of the ground.
The Creator created life, Satan’s light was never found.
So we have temptations and trials in this land
To leave this cultured world
In the Heavenlies to stand.
So the Jewish Journey from Egypt we can see
In this present world what God’s WORD is telling me
So to Cling to Scripture; God’s Lesson there in life,

For forty years of wondering turns me toward the light.